IDEA2009 had the world’s foremost thinkers and practitioners converge on Toronto’s MaRS Convention Center to share the big ideas that inspire, along with practical solutions for the ways people’s lives and systems are converging to affect society. Listen and learn from experts in a variety of fields as we all continue the exploration of Social Experience Design.
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Day 1 @idea09 | Day 2 @idea09
The Impact of Social Models – Luke Wroblewski
As Richard Farson’s truism “no one smokes in church no matter how addicted” points out, context informs almost everything that happens in an environment. Online social experiences are no exception.
How a product’s social model is set up can impact not only who contributes, but how much, and why. From permission-based subscriptions to one-click follows, Luke will discuss the attributes and implications of several popular social models by looking at data and behavior in the Web’s most popular social applications.
Social Spaces Online: Lessons from Radical Architects – Christina Wodtke
While Information Architecture took its name from architecture, it took very little else. This is not surprising, as the early days of the web were about making sites that supported the interaction between people and data. The obvious model back then was a library; a library is a space for humans to receive knowledge. But with the rise of social networks, and the integration of community into almost all online experiences, more architecture practices are directly transferable to design. Online spaces are no longer just about findability, but about falling in love, getting your work done, goofing around, reconnecting with old friends, staving off loneliness… humans doing human things.
Making Virtual Worlds: Games and the Human for a Digital Age – Thomas Malaby
The rise of virtual worlds (World of Warcraft, Everquest) has prompted new questions about the status of games in a digital age. Thomas Malaby’s research at Linden Lab, makers of Second Life, suggests that game design and game development practice are becoming a key part of how some high tech companies operate. Instead of relying on top-down and procedural decision-making, these organizations contrive complex and game-like systems that promise to generate legitimate decisions from the ground up.
User Experience as a Crucial Driver of Social Business Design – Jeff Dachis
Everything that can be digital will be. Why? Because it’s faster, better, and cheaper. UX in the digital world will be the key definer of value. UX design now means to embrace a whole new set of behaviors and characteristics. Social Business Design is a framework to understand and think about the multi-faceted users and the way they participates inside a business ecosystem in meaningful ways.
Co-founder of Razorfish, Inc., and current CEO of the Dachis Group, Jeff Dachis suggests that Experience design has started to evolve into Business Design – a fully connected ecosystem of suppliers, shareholders, employees, products, and supply chains. But don’t get too comfortable, b/c the future is about to change…again!
Bare Naked Design: Reflections on Designing with an Open Source Community – Leisa Reichelt
For the past 12 months Leisa has been working, with Mark Boulton on a series of projects with the Drupal community – firstly to redesign, and then following the success of that project, to work with the Drupal community to try to address some significant user experience issues in the interface of Drupal itself.
In this presentation, Leisa shares war wounds and learnings from their work with the Drupal community as well as some questions and challenges for both designers and open source communities. She examines what it is like to design openly with communities and whether good design can ever flourish in a meritocracy like the Drupal community.
Does Designing a Social Experience Affect How We Party? Of Course It Does! – Maya Kalman
What makes an event whether social or corporate a true success? What makes you want to go to a party or networking event? And what makes you want to stay!
That premise, of what should or could have been done to make that event a success is the core of the concept behind “Social Experience Design” and what we’ll be discussing in this session. Maya will explore what goes into planning the perfect event. How do we approach the task at hand? How do we insure success? What has changed in the last year and what are next year’s trends? And how have events and the art of event design changed now that “social networking” is part of almost everyone’s daily life.
The Information Superhighway: Urban Renewal or Neighborhood Destruction? – Mary Newsom
As a long-time practitioner of daily newspaper journalism who sees the economic model of the newspaper industry sinking (and broadcast journalism isn’t in much better shape), Mary looks into what will happen to cities if/when the mass media splinter.
With all of the “new media” journalism: the emerging trends of crowd-sourcing, blogging, YouTube, Twitter and the general explosion of information available to people, this makes virtually anyone, a potential journalist. What are the implications for information, and for the dependability of that information?
These podcasts are sponsored by:
Information Architecture Institute: Through education, advocacy, services, and social networking, the IAI has 1400 members from 80 countries demonstrating the value of Information Architecture to the world at large.
IDEA brings together the worlds foremost thinkers and practitioners. Sharing the big ideas that inspire, along with practical solutions for the ways peoples lives and systems are converging to affect society.
Visit to be a part of your peer written journal.
Axure RP is the leading tool for rapidly creating wireframes, prototypes and specifications for applications and web sites.
Morae is the premier software for deeply understanding customer experiences…and sharing those insights clearly and powerfully.
iRise enterprise visualization solutions give companies a powerful way to fully experience application before development.
Great information! Looks like a productive conference. Thanks for sharing such useful resources.
You’re most welcome Andrea! 🙂 We’ll be launching Day 2 from the conference next week. If of interest you can subscribe to all shows via our iTunes feed here: This will give you access to over 115 presentations and interviews on IA, UX, and IxD over the past couple of years.
Jeff thanks so much for sharing these resources from the conference. It’s fantastic to be able to virtually attend a conference I cannot get to 🙂
But can you please share the direct address for the conference podcast? Not all of us out here are using Windows or a Mac with iTunes installed. I use Ubuntu ( with Rhythembox as my music/podcast aggregator (
You’re most welcome Scott; I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the recordings and that they are of value! 🙂 As for the direct address I believe this link to the XML feed I use for iTunes should allow you to pull in all of the shows produced to date. If this doesn’t provide you with the solution you’re looking for, drop me a note at and I’ll work at getting you what you need.
Day 2 from @idea09 should be live later today. As always, if you or other members of the community would like to hear from an individual, or organization in particular, please drop me a note at your leisure. All the best! 🙂
“Making Virtual Worlds: Games and the Human for a Digital Age”. Very interesting information. I am just missing a word about “second life” in this context.
The Luke Wroblewski download link has been fixed. Thanks to @juaron on Twitter for the heads-up!