The seeds for were sown in early 1999 when the popular CancerNet web site came up for a redesign. As usual, we began by seeking input for the new design from technical professionals: web designers, content writers, engineers. Our “kitchen cabinet” also included users. But the opinions from this broad group of professionals and laymen were as diverse as their backgrounds. Whose ideas were right?
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STC’s Annual Conference, May 6-9 in Nashville
STC, the Society for Technical Communication, has historically been the home of technical writers. However, the organization has seen an influx of members whose interests extend beyond writing, and this year’s conference at Opryland will provide nearly 50 sessions in usability and information design.
Continue readingTaking the “You” Out of User: My Experience Using Personas
Meg Hourihan, co-founder of Pyra – the company behind Blogger, shares her team’s experience in the discovery of Alan Cooper and the use of personas. Through their practical application, she tells the tale of how a product cycle was turned on its ear as the team discovered they weren’t anything like their users.
Continue readingSummit Beginnings: Saturday
The 2002 Summit in Baltimore has come and gone. Boxes and Arrows was in attendance covering the events, the social mixing and the controversies. Throughout the summit we made some new friends and took a lot of pictures. We have gathered our notes and images together in this highlights of the two day event.
Continue readingChicken Run: Summit Closing: Sunday
Sunday morning found 240 tired IAs eagerly grabbing breakfast and pondering the chickens that had been set up in a little farm scene in the conference area of the hotel. All I can say is that a lot of pictures were taken of the chickens (and a few of them even "mysteriously" flew the coop).
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